Resources & Tools
Don't know what documents you need for filing your taxes? Don't worry! We've got you covered! This page is your one-stop-shop for everything you need to make your filing as easy and simple as possible. Below you will find:
new client intake form/questionnaire
list of acceptable "proof of" documents
small business income and expense forms
link to our app for uploading documents
link to IRS to check refund status
Proof of Income
Standard Proof of Income
1099-G (unemployment)
1099-MISC (miscellaneous)
1099-R (retirement)
1099-INT (interest income)
1009-DIV (dividend income)
1099-SSA (SSI income)
Proof of Income for Self-Employment/Independent Contractor/Entreprenuer
Personal bank statement (1st year only)
Business bank statement
1099-NEC (non-employed compensation)
Zelle, CashApp, Venmo, Paypal, etc.
Merchant proof of income (Stripe, Square, Chase for Business, etc)
Rideshare summary of income (Uber, Lyft, GrubHub, DoorDash, etc)
Income paid receipts/ paid invoices (with no balance due)
Income personally reconstructed by taxpayer by week/month (see form below for ease of completion)
List of Documents Needed
This section includes links to the PDFs of just about every form you may need for filing and keeping detailed records. From intake forms to business income and expense forms, we have it all!
*This section is currently under construction. Please be patient as we make these forms available to you. In the meantime, feel free to email us at or call/message us at 478.314.7874 to request a form.*